Tuesday, 17 March 2009

march 16th meeting

Another good meeting was had.
A new member was welcomed into the group. welcome Anne
Jenny was teaching Judy to knit socks and I am sure we will get Carol doing the same.
Ruth was going great guns with her scarf(and chocolate)
10 members at this meeting which meant pulling two tables together.
Talk was varied from knitting to babies/pets names.
Next meeting is on 6th April 7.30
see you all there.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Hi - I have attended only one meeting, but enjoyed it immensely. I haven't been for the last three as I either didn't have a knitting project on the go, the snow arrived or was unable to make it for other commitments. I recommend anyone wanting to join in with the banter or just needing some advice to go along - it costs nothing more than the price of a cup of coffee and there is a very friendly atmosphere. I am just a beginner and hadn't knitted for 30 years and only know the basic plain and pearl, I even had to look up on the Internet how to cast on and off because I couldn't remember...I got the impression that all are welcome and we are! Someone had even brought books for me to look at, which inspired me to choose something to knit!

Hopefully see you there on the 16th March then.


Monday, 2 March 2009

Monday 2nd march meeting

This was a good meeting with a fair few there.
Talk was of socks, socks and more socks with Jenny anticipating
a pair of poodle socks.
Most of the knitting going on was with random/self patterning yarns.
We talked about the launch of the new blog and how to get everyone onto it.

Next meeting will be on 16th march.
see you all there.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

forgot to add that we meet at 7.30 and tommorow night is the first meeting this month.

braintree knitters

This is the new blogg for the braintree knitting group.
we meet on the 1st and 3rd monday of the month at The horse and Groom public house in rayne Road braintree