Wednesday, 23 September 2009

21st september meeting

Another chatty meeting was had.
Jenny has started her jacket and is getting on well with it.
Avis is progressing with her sock and learning new skills doing so.
Jane's clown has a finished body, arms next I think.
We welcomed Ann to the meeting who was crocheting.
I (Tracy) was plodding on with arm warmers for Christmas presents and helping Avis with her socks.
Talk was of the forth coming Ally Pally show which a few of us are going on. By the next meeting it will only be 4 days away. Hopefully the meeting at the end of October will see the fruits of the show.
See you all next time.
Any newcomers that would like to join us please just turn up you will be made very welcome.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

7th september meeting

Last nights meeting saw 6 of us beavering away at our knitting. We welcomed deborah as a new member who was knitting a baby cardi but also showed us some very impresive hardanger work that she had done. Welcome - hope you enjoyed the evening.
Maureen was pleased with her heel turning on her trial sock and has now brought some nice sock wool.
various chatter about different things was going around and jenny and jane brought in things they no longer needed to pass on after a clear out at home.
We did talk also about how to promote the group to get some new blood involved. (work in progress I think ).

Hope to see some more faces on the 21st September.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

up date

The summer has been and gone and now is the time to get back to some serious knitting.

The meetings over the summer have been a bit hit and miss with hols and outings but lets hope we all pull back together for the winter.

Remember that the knitting and stitching show at 'ally pally' is little over a month away so all who are going will have stock for the winter and new ideas to bring to the group.

All newcomers are more then welcome, just turn up on the night and you will be welcomed to our happy group.