Saturday, 3 July 2010

Meeting on 5th July

Can we please have a good turn out as Jenny has a proposition to put to the group. All need to be there. Hopefully we will have a good night. see you all there.

Monday, 31 May 2010

24th may meeting

This was a industrious meeting with lots of knitting done.
We talked about the forth coming entry in the Braintree and Witham times.
Jenny was unable to attend, we did miss you.
Next meeting will be on 7th June as we have had another Bank Hols although i am not complaining!!!!!.
See you all there and hopefully anyone who would like to join us.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Knitting in public

Jenny has now found out the date for the knitting in public which is 12th June.
More information when it comes to me.
Hope we have a good turn out.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

April 19th meeting

This meeting was full of knitting and chat.
Jenny finish another hat, elizabeth was knitting a very fine shawl with over 500sts onboard, Jane a baby cardi in very nice pink wool.
We spoke of doing the knitting in public this year and also were we could go as a group on a day trip(knitting purchase related)
The next 2 meetings will be the 10th and 24th may as we have more bank hols.
Hope to get on here abit more to update but life is not forgiving.
Hope to see you all at the may meeting and any new people wanting to join please do just turn up and you will  be made very welcome.
Anyone wishing to learn to knit the same applies as there will be many willing teachers.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Blog up date

Hi All this is a Blog up-date as I have had a busy few months and not got round to do it.
We have had some good productive and chatty meeting over the last few months. On one meeting we ended up with 13 members turning up and a great night was had by all.
We have some new members attending now and all us old faithfuls.
I have missed a few due to work commitments but hopefully this will pan out better in the future.
I will hopefully up-date more regular in the future and I am hopeing that I have now got Jenny in on the act.
Members remember that if you joined the blog I have made it possible for you to post, change and blog as I do.
Next meeting is on 1st March at the normal meet.
Hope to see many there. Tracy